Let us keep this blog slightly more classy than the known cliché stardoll gossip blogs. The blogs in which the writers mostly rant about other users and finding some way to incorporate sexual terms in their posts. Not all of them follow this statement. I must say, Beg For More (despite the name) has up-scaled and is quite respectable. Most of the BFM writers have a touch of class, but are not afraid to state the truth. Memoires of a MeDoll is now ruled by Deidra and Aislin, something I regret has made the blog less appealing. Noelle had great control of the blog, for she was very honest and reasonable. The duo's "technically difficulties" have put them at the bottom of the top. As for PSG, with their lack of good writers and ability to find some (excluding Deidra and of course Perez), I think they have lowered they're standards too. I have been driven to the conclusion that the creators should remain the permanent owners of the blog and should not just give away their blog to their "trusty friend". Perez was an amazing owner, but it was clear that as soon as she took her break, Perez Star Gossip was far behind in the stardoll gossip business, just like MDM.
I "intend" the opposite.
I "intend" the opposite.
This blog will provide a well crafted point of view, and just like a diamond, if you turn it, you'll see other points of view. My goal for this blog will be for a sophisticated writer to share their opinion freely. Does it sound like The Antagonist? My witty style is similar to those of the Ant, nicknamed by Deidra, but far from the fact that I'm here to bring you something more...
Apparently you aren't bringing too much more considering you felt the need to copy the background and banner that I made. Real original.